Gross path challenge #11 Above: Cerebellum from a feedlot steer (photo from Rick Last, DPIRD WA) DESCRIPTION: Multiple randomly distributed varying sized (2 mm to 8 mm diameter) foci of red discoloration of the parenchyma of the cerebellum involving the grey and white...
Gross path challenge #10 Photo: Rick Last, DPIRD WA BOVINE MOUTH: The gingiva and dental pad have multiple well demarcated, irregularly-shaped foci of oral epithelial loss exposing reddened submucosa (oral ulceration). There is diffuse periodontal reddening...
Gross path challenge #9 Photo: Ayrial Foster, Berrimah Veterinary Laboratory NT DESCRIPTION: Diffuse yellow discolouration of the atrioventricular valves and multifocal to coalescing red discolouration of the left ventricular endocardium in the sub-atrial region. Note...
Gross path challenge #8 Photo: Ayrial Foster, Berrimah Veterinary Laboratory NT DESCRIPTION: The cranial ventral region of the lung has locally extensive, well delineated dark red discolouration. There is a nodular irregularity affecting about 50% of the surface and a...
Gross path challenge #7 Photo: Doug Macnought, Qld DAF DESCRIPTION: There are multiple variably-sized (1–5 cm diameter) exophytic nodules protruding from the skin around the left eye. The nodules are mottled black and grey and verrucous (warty) in appearance. Dx:...