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On the alert for FMD in Australia

On the alert for FMD in Australia

On the alert for FMD in Australia FMD is endemic parts of Africa, the Middle East and Asia. In May 2022 cases were confirmed in four Indonesian provinces. The Australian Government and animal health providers are on alert to enable a swift and effective response....
African swine fever information and training

African swine fever information and training

African swine fever information and training You can help keep Australia ASF free by encouraging: Awareness of the clinical signs of ASF and knowledge of sampling and reporting requirements to support ASF early detection Compliance with state legislation that...
Lumpy Skin Disease resources

Lumpy Skin Disease resources

Lumpy Skin Disease resources Lumpy Skin Disease is a serious threat to Australia’s cattle herd and export markets. Cases were confirmed on the Indonesia island of Sumatra in March 2022. Early detection and reporting is critical to containment of this disease....